A Century of the Red & Black

Life Membership

As a financial member of the OXFC, you are entitled to nominate outstanding servants of our club for life membership.

The criteria below provide a guide for minimum service to the club in order for a person to be considered for Life Membership. Achieving one of them does not guarantee Life Membership.      

  • Played a minimum 180 Men’s First XVIII games or a minimum 150 Women’s First XVIII for OXFC
  • Played 15 years at any level of the club
  • Served the club in an honorary capacity for 15 years
  • Combination of the above and/or Exceptional Contribution to the club (e.g. 20 years major sponsorship, longevity of coaching, lasting impact on the club) 
  • A nominee must be a financial member of the Old Xaverians Football Club.

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