Stavrou, Lane announced as co-captains
The Victorian Amateur Football Association has determined that clubs can return to training in small groups only from 1 June 2020.
However, there are restrictions and guidelines for the return. Any lifting of these barriers will be determined by AFL Victoria, the VAFA and ultimately, the Victorian Government.
Toorak Park - Tues 6:30-8:30, Thurs 5:30 - 8:30, Sat 12:00-5:00. Como Park – Fri 6:30-8:30
Greythorn Park - Tues 6:30-8:30, Sat 11:30-5:00 (every second Sat)
Stradbroke Park - Tues 6:30-8:30, Sat 11:30-5:00
Como Park – Wed 6:30-8:30
The Old Xaverians Football Club, in accordance with VAFA, AFL Victoria and State Government guidelines, will follow the protocols listed below and any further instructions to ensure a COVID Safe environment at our training and match day venues.
If you, or people you have been in contact with are sick, DO NOT attend training and advise your football coach who is responsible for informing the COVID Safety Officer (Paul Lefebvre).
2 Groups of 10 players with 1-2 coaches per group
Two groups of 10 can utilise the same oval provided they do not operate closely together, and the oval is split into two zones with groups not permitted to interact. Coaches to remain with their specified group for the session.
Footballs and cones only
Footballs and cones to be disinfected post-training. No other equipment to be used in the first phase.
As we have multiple teams at multiple locations and given the restriction of numbers on the oval at the same time, we recommend the below.
Split squad into 4 x 10
Groups A & B to train in first hour.
Groups C & D to train in second hour.
There is to be at least 5 minutes between the first group finishing and the second group starting to avoid congestion at the changeover
Strictly no contact “No bump bags”
All players, coaches, staff and volunteers to maintain 1.5m social distance.
Nobody will have access to Pavilions except for toilet use and only if if there are no exterior toilets available.
A nominated official for each team to keep record of people in attendance at each session. A Google document will be created for this.
The club encourages all players, volunteers and families to download the COVIDSafe App to help in tracing the spread of COVID-19.
These practices have been developed from the instructions set forth in the AFL Victoria document below.
Returning to play in a safe, hygienic and controlled manner is paramount to the AFL. The safety and wellbeing of our participants is our number one priority.
Following the Victorian State Government advice around the return of community sport, AFL Victoria is endorsing a return to club sanctioned small outdoor group training at community football level from Monday, May 25, provided participants follow the relevant Victorian State Government guidelines and AFL Victoria’s COVID-19 guidelines are implemented. In advance of training re-commencing, we encourage Leagues, Clubs and volunteers to digest the protocols, go through an education period and formulate an education and implementation plan for their Club following which they would go through an education period and prepare their Clubs to return to train safely.
We will continue to work with the State Government to ensure alignment with their advice, and in the event of further easing of restrictions, we hope to be able to return to full training and competition later in the year, with hygiene and safety protocols firmly in place.
Our primary focus is preparing to return to train in a safe environment in a well-prepared and educated manner. In order for this return to small outdoor group training to be successful, and in line with Government advice, it is essential that clubs and individuals work within the timelines and protocols and do not move ahead of the level and restrictions in place.
AFL Victoria will continue to follow any direction from State Government and align with the AIS Framework for Rebooting Sport, so that any resumption of community football activity in Victoria does not compromise the health of individuals or the community.
Prior to the recommencement of small outdoor group training, clubs to provide a briefing to all participants, coaches, volunteers, parents that includes:
Clubs should also brief all coaches on the required expectations as leaders within the club environment, including:
It is important that clubs are respectful in adhering to the protocols outlined as part of Return to Small Outdoor Group Training, as they form part of the current Government directions, and sanctions can be applied to individuals and to clubs if they are in breach. By every club and individual playing their part in adhering to the protocols it will mean that football would have played its part in the community through a commitment to community health outcomes, but will also improve the opportunity for football to return to play sooner.
This guide has been established to support teams ‘Returning to Small Outdoor Group Training’ phase under the current Victorian Government COVID-19 restrictions. Community clubs and teams have an obligation to strictly adhere to these protocols at every training session.
The key principle for training must be ‘Get in, Train, Get out’.
The club can undertake training in groups no larger than 10 people. The group of 10 does not include a coach or the minimum number of support staff who are reasonably required to manage the activity. Two groups of 10 can utilise the same oval provided they do not operate closely together, and the oval is split into two zones. No more than 2 small training groups per oval at any one time with groups not permitted to interact.
The club has advised its participants, coaches, volunteers and parents that all training must be strictly NON-CONTACT (i.e. no tackling, no bumping, no marking contests, etc.).
The club has advised its participants, coaches, volunteers and parents that all training must strictly observe social distancing requirements of 1.5m.
The club is aware that all club rooms, changerooms and wet areas are NOT to be used as part of the return to small outdoor group training.
The club is aware that footballs can be used for small outdoor group training, however only limited additional equipment is permitted (i.e. field marking cones are permitted).
The club and all teams have read, understood and agree to adhere to the Return to Small Outdoor Group Training Protocols provided by AFL Victoria.
The club has implemented the hygiene protocols as outlined in the Return to Small Outdoor Group Training Protocols document.
Nominated Club official(s) has undertaken the Australian Government online COVID-19bvInfection Control Training and submitted a certificate of completion to their League Administrator contact prior to recommencement of Club activity.
The club has implemented a log, or register, to keep a track of which participants are in attendance at all training sessions, and this is available upon request by their League, AFL Victoria or health authorities.
The club has encouraged all players, volunteers and families to download the COVIDSafe App to help in tracing the spread of COVID-19.
The club has received approval from the Local Government to access the oval for small outdoor group training.
The club and training groups understand that they must follow the direction and advice of local and state authorities at all times.