Stavrou, Lane announced as co-captains
How time flies!
On 1 December 2002, Old Xaverians launched its first website with a short piece about then four-time premiership star Simon Lethlean heading to Sydney.
We were the first Premier Section club with a website. It was content first, with design a minor consideration. That first site was built on the long-forgotten Microsoft Front Page, and the webmaster had no idea what he was doing. Still, our website became popular very quickly.
Taking full advantage of new digital technology, we roared into season 2003 with big stories like this:
Today, nearly eighteen years later, we raise the curtain our new site. It's not our first revamp, but we believe it's easily our best.
It's been a team effort, led by one of the superstars of the Menages, the indefatigable James McElhinney, of Watson Street, who has spent countless hours designing the new look and repurposing old content.
We've developed some new branding under the guidance of Nick Hulett, while President Matt Cosgrave has been busy combing the Terry Landrigan Centre of Excellence for old photographs.
The naive webmaster of 2002, Michael Fitzgerald, has scoured old web pages for long-forgotten information and added some new biographical content too.
As always, a new website is not the end, but rather a new beginning. We'll be updating our past as we make our future. The new site is very much a work in progress.
We aim to have one of the best websites in world sports and to continue to bring you all the news from Xavier Nation.
We will bring you stories about the club's illustrious past and features on its future. We will delve more deeply into the personalities and people that have built our club.
More video, more photographs, more columnists - a fresh restart for our football re-start.
We hope you come back regularly to discover what is new.
We welcome new contributors and if you wish to share pics or stories for inclusion on this site, or if you have suggestions about how we can make this site even better, please email