Stavrou, Lane announced as co-captains
I’d like to update all valued members of the OXFC community on the club’s current position on the ever-evolving coronavirus (COVID-19).
While we are all looking forward to another great season of Red ‘n’ Blacks football, and we have done our best during the off-season to ensure that it will be successful, the current community crisis has cast doubt on all plans for the immediate future.
Competitive juices aside, it is the health and safety of our players, staff, members and supporters that is, and always will be, our number one priority.
As such, we have this morning cancelled:
In addition:
The full financial impact of these and other possible cancellations or postponements on our club’s finances will not be known for some time, but these concerns are entirely secondary to the well-being of the Xaverian family and wider community.
The VAFA issued a statement earlier in the week about maintaining a watching brief on the current crisis and we expect to learn more from them early next week about their intentions regarding the commencement of the season. That statement can be read here
We will maintain regular communication with our community as the situation evolves.
Please consult and/or the club’s Facebook feed for breaking developments.
Please look after yourselves, each other, and take the advice provided by health experts. It is understandable that some might experience feelings of anxiety, uncertainty and concern in relation to COVID-19.
Talk to your family, your doctors and for mental health and wellbeing information, visit Beyond Blue.
These are troubling times and the important thing is to put your personal safety first.
We want to see everyone in our community fit and healthy when this cloud finally passes.
Stay healthy and go Xavs.
Matthew Cosgrave