Stavrou, Lane announced as co-captains
Nearly 400 Red ‘n’ Blacks devotees descended on the Park by the Albert Park Lake to celebrate the successes of the season just concluded.
Presentations were made to the two remaining Life Membership inductees from 2021, Matthew Handley and Brendan O’Sullivan.
Marcus Stavrou and Gabby Golds both won their second senior Best and Fairest awards, while Chopper Handley won the Reserves B+F to cap a good night for him.
Matt Hannebery was awarded the prestigious Denton Trophy, while Denis Symeopoulos landed the Mick Rush Trophy.
DJ Sol Murray, appearing at his first B+F Night, had the crowd on the dance floor in raptures, spinning the beats for the entertainment of all.
(Conspicuous service to the club in an off-field capacity over a significantperiod)
Matthew Hannebery
(Player who displays tenacious, fighting qualities and courage andcommitment over a significant period)
Denis Symeopooulos
Best and Fairest: Marcus Stavrou
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Dan Robinson
Third Best and Fairest: Ryan Schoenmakers
Coaches Award: Denis Symeopoulos
Best First Year Player: Charlie Whitehead
Most Improved: Charlie MacIsaac
Best and Fairest: Gabrielle Golds
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Gabrielle Henderson
Third Best and Fairest: Audrey Rhodes
Coaches Award: Amy Benifer
Best and Fairest: Matthew Handley
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Tommy Amad
Third Best and Fairest: Ed Ralph
Best in Finals: James Dalbosco
Coaches Award: Tom Simmons
Best and Fairest: Zoe Purcell
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Eliza Christie
Third Best and Fairest: Eliza Stewart
Coaches Award: Eliza Forrest
Best and Fairest: Will Bowen
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Tom Dunne
Third Best and Fairest: Kye Walford
Best in Finals: Will Bowen
Coaches Award: Lachie Hecker
Best and Fairest: Nick Pozzi
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Will Jago
Third Best and Fairest: Aaron Ivak
Best in Finals: Gabe Villiers
Coaches Award: James Hansen
Best and Fairest: Will Wrigley
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Sam Casserly
Third Best and Fairest: Oliver Sheehan
Coaches Award: William Webb
Best and Fairest: Ned Hummerston
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Sam Asdagi
Third Best and Fairest: Charlie Westcott
Best in Finals: Anthony Lamanna
Coaches Award: Nick Ongarello
Best and Fairest: Connor Dunne
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Lucas Agnoletto
Third Best and Fairest: Zak Connors
Best in Finals: Sean Stanley
Coaches Award: Tom Bates
Best and Fairest: James Forrest
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Oscar Silk
Third Best and Fairest: Tom Fantasia
Best in Finals: Oscar Silk
Coaches Award: Matthew Bell
Best and Fairest: Harry Aikman
Runner Up Best and Fairest: Charlie Wilson
Third Best and Fairest: Hicham Nidam
Best in Finals: Hicham Nidam
Coaches Award: John Ginnane