Stavrou, Lane announced as co-captains
Anne Denton, mother of former premiership player, club president and life member Bill Denton and his five siblings, has passed away peacefully just shy of her 91st birthday.
In 1988, her husband Bill Denton Sr. first presented a trophy recognising long and meritorious service to the OXFC. That trophy bore his name and after his death, Anne - a fervent supporter of our club - continued to donate the award every year.
Anne was a strong woman committed to her faith and her family. She will be missed by all who loved and knew her.
Our deepest condolences to Anne's children - David, John, Bill, Anne-Maree, Tricia, and Claire - and their spouses, children and grandchildren who number above fifty.
May she rest in peace.
Funeral Mass for the repose of the soul of Anne Denton will be offered at Carmelite Monastery Chapel, 94 Stevenson Street, Kew on Friday 3 January at 11.00 am.
Following Mass, the funeral will depart for the Boroondara Cemetery, High Street, Kew.