Stavrou, Lane announced as co-captains
The Old Xaverians 97th AGM is in the books, with the massive crowd now shuffling home knowing that the club is in good hands and that the future looks bright.
It was standing room only at the Smith as sponsors, members, and players met to cast their votes for the incoming executive and committee.
For the 97th consecutive year, nominations for all positions were declared vacant by the Secretary pro tem Paul Lefebvre, whose formal and meticulous approach would render him an ideal candidate for Clerk of the Senate.
Again, there were no challenges to sitting members and officers, with the threatened bus load of opposing voices failing to board the bus, which arrived empty.
“We’ve been a fairly successful club, but we’ve never learned the art of internecine warfare.,” said one.
President Matt Cosgrave was re-elected on the voices and Matthew Hannebery was re-elected to the Vice President’s position he vacated to resume coaching early in the season.
Damian Berry joins Hannebery as Vice-President in a break with tradition. Old Xaverians have not had more than one VP since 2004, when incoming Prez Simon Hunt cut back his deputies from three to one in what has become known as “The Night of the Blunt Knives”.
The President made special mention of retiring committee members Caroline Silk, Tom Maule and Murray Browne and provided an update on events.
Treasurer James Meehan reported a small surplus, while former Football Director Matt Hannebery provided a rundown on coaching moves and player retention and recruiting.
Sausage rolls, pies and spring rolls were served.